How it works
  • The 7 Day Free Trial lets you try our products before buying.
  • When you place your order, a temporary hold will be placed on your card (which may appear as “pending” or “processing”) to validate your payment method. We only complete the charge when the trial ends 7 days later.
  • If you find the product isn't for you, email us at we'll remove the hold immediately.
  • All customers are also entitled to our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
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Gluten-Free Low-Waste Products

Made in USA 🇺🇸

At The Earthling Co., we carry a collection of gluten-free hair and beauty products, making it easy for gluten allergy sufferers to still care for the earth.

Created without any gluten-containing ingredients, you’ll find a collection of thoughtfully made items, free of harsh chemicals and perfume oils. From body care and hair care that keeps you moisturized, as well as skin care and face lotions to maintain a beautiful complexion, The Earthling Co. has everything you need to maintain an earthling-friendly lifestyle!

Packaged and wrapped in 100 percent compostable and recyclable materials, every single collection item of The Earthling Co. is kind to the environment and leaves little behind. All in all, we make it easy for gluten allergy sufferers to live an eco-conscious lifestyle.

Have a tree nut allergy or are an animal lover? Be sure to check out our coconut-free and vegan collections!